Me first:

I started running in 2021 because I took an (online no less) running class. We were asked to run at least two times a week and watch theories videos and read articles on mechanics of running. My challenges are delaying to the very last minute to actually run and log my time. A tool that helps is using Strava and seeing what my classmates are doing, it's a super fun tool to track and log your run, would highly recommend.

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Another habit that I have managed to keep since 2019 is reading. I used to an aggressive reader as a kid but I dropped that in high school and beginning of college. The first year I got back to read I only set a 5 books a year goal to make it doable (still was so damn hard!). Challenges are there are a lot of distractions and the beginning period of reading is the toughest, I'm fidgeting for a phone or a laptop but once I settle into the groove that restless feeling starts going away. What helps is using Goodreads and track what I'm reading/my friends are reading :) Talk about what I have learned in the books with people around me

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